This is an experimental version of blokdots with additional options for the LCD display component.

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Mac Universal: blokdots with LCD options

Windows: blokdots with LCD options

Experimental Options

Bildschirmfoto 2023-09-03 um 16.26.03.png

Compatible modules and options

Unfortunately we cannot have all the possible combinations of displays and controllers in the blokdots office, so we need your help to find out which modules work with which options. If you have a module to try, please leave your feedback and help out your fellow makers. You can either leave us a comment here in Notion or send us an email to [email protected] 💛

For the deeply curious, this article explains a few things about I2C addresses used in LCD modules:

Module (Link) Controller I2C Address Works? JHD1313 0x3E JHD1313 0x3E ⚠️ Text display is working but RGB backlight is not working